This was one of the many birthday treats that we enjoyed to celebrate Mom's 49th birthday.

We have enjoyed cooking and eating many of the things that we haven't had the chance to make in a while.

We have fallen in love with sushi and we typically have it for lunch every few days.

Ever since we arrived in Japan, we have been enjoying pancakes whenever we have a rest day.

We had a small grocery and convenience store to prepare for our 24km overnight hike and this was all the food we brought.

Crackers with fish, cheese, cucumber and mayo have been one of our favorite lunches while on the road.

While doing a bit of sight-seeing in Kamakura, it was a little tough to find a spot to eat that wasn't too busy. However, after a bit of looking around we found a quiet local café where we enjoyed some marvelous mackerel.

We enjoyed some new interesting flavors of soft serve in Kamakura. The green was green tea, the purple was sweet potato and the blue was soda flavored.

Takehiro and his family treated us to a delicious dinner of sushi at a conveyor belt sushi place where the sushi was brought to you on a small conveyor belt!

We tried soba for our first time while visiting the town of Hakone with Takehiro and his family. It was delicious and I really enjoyed it.

We enjoyed this raw beef at a café while staying with a Warmshowers host and it was a lot better than I thought it would be. I actually really enjoyed it, despite that it was raw.

We have been enjoying quite a bit of seafood while travelling in Japan.

We stayed at a cool little hostel where they happened to be hosting a few friends for dinner. They were from Osaka and taught us how to make Takoyaki, a delicious Japanese dish.

We found an incredible deal for avocadoes where three of them were sold for 100 yen. (About $1) We made some delicious sandwiches with them for lunch the other day.

We made a little campfire and a grill with a couple bamboo rods so that we could grill up some delicious fish.

This was one of the many exquisite meals we have enjoyed in Japan.

We had some delicious fresh baguettes to make some amazing sandwiches for lunch.

This market was full of bananas!

Vietnamese Subs (Banh Mi) were an all time favorite and we look forward to enjoying them in Northern Vietnam.

The mixture of rice, greens, meat and sauces made some really delicious meals.

I saw a bunch of these clams so we decided to get them and they ended up grilling them right in front of us. They were delicious.

This is probably the most exotic fruit that we have eaten. It was really interesting to cut it open and see how easily it peeled off itself.

We passed by an actual grocery store so we found the ingredients to make spring rolls and they were delicious!

As I said before, Vietnamese food is fantastic and I am really enjoying the spring rolls, rice noodles and noodle soups.

I am loving Vietnamese food so far and they always serve your meal with a bunch of freshly cut greens.

Rambutans have become one of my favorite fruits.

This was one of my favorite meals so far in Thailand. They thinly sliced the pork and added a really good sweet and spicy sauce on top.

It's been fun to try all the different tropical fruits such as dragon fruit, pomelo, pineapple, mangos, papaya, rambutans, banana's and many others.

We have been eating quite a bit of Noodle Soup and it has became a bit of a back-up meal that is pretty easy to find wherever we are.

Chicken has become a daily and it I know it will be something I will remember as a big part of our experience in Thailand.